Old blog entries (prior to 2021) - alte Blogeinträge (vor 2021)


Please take note that these blog entries represent my personal opinion (which is what a blog is for…).
General Blog
In my general-topic English-language Blog, I write about the things that elevate or irritate me on any particular day. You'll find quite a lot of travel entries, but also book, podcast and product reviews, technology ravings, etc.
Please note that all entries before 2020 are archived on the Old English Blog page.
Information Technology Blog
I'm an IT guy - I not only studied computer science in college, but have worked in IT since 1991. That my life revolves around technology, especially information technology, isn't a surprise. Here, I rant and rave about all sorts of IT topics, sorted into categories such as Android, Apple, Internet, etc.

For IT-related topics, please visit my IT-Blog.
Travel Review Blog
Older blog entries are found in the "Old Travel Reviews" blog page, which represent 100% of my opinion on many of the places I've stayed, eaten at or visited. Guaranteed to be unbiased (just kidding).

I've rated the places with 1-5 stars next to the name. These are equivalent to the stars you'll find on Amazon.com or other sites, i.e., if the name has only one star next to it, you really don't want to stay, eat or go there - if it has 5, it is most highly recommended. I personally would not revisit a place I rated 2 stars.

I also publish many of these reviews on Tripadvisor.com.

Deutsch (German)

Alle, die der Deutschen Sprache mächtig sind, finden hier Einträge über die Themen die mich interessieren, bewegen oder irritieren.

Wir haben 2011 ein altes Winzerhaus gekauft und peu-a-peu entkernt bzw. renoviert. Hier biete ich Tipps und Erfahrungen aus dieser Zeit. Da die Renovierung noch nicht fertig ist, wird dieses Blog weiter wachsen…

Da wir schon viele Jahre bevor wir in die Südpfalz zogen immer wieder Gast in dieser schönen Ecke waren, gibt es auch ein Blog zu Restaurants, Veranstaltungen und touristischen Zielen, die wir mindestens ein Mal besucht haben.

Alle Inhalte stellen meine Meinung dar und sind somit nicht immer 100% subjektiv.